26 Ocak 2016 Salı


Short summary: Write a short summary about the film (with the characters, environment and basic events in the movie.
The film is based on the novel of the same name by François and it is also based on a real story.The film tells us that the teacher,in a leading role,François encounters many difficulties in a class which includes international students and tells the ways of solutions to these problems.The setting of the film is the school in the district of Paris.In the film there are especially problematic students like Esmeralda,Khountba and Souleymane.The film starts with the introduction of teachers among themselves.Although the first greeting is so cold and formal, at the end of the film teachers, director and students play football and this relation is very sincere and friendly.

I think the film is related to both idealism and realism.As a sign of idealism, there is a hierarchy. At the top there is a manager ,in the middle there are teachers and the lowest level is for students and respect for those who at the top or middle is so important. For example, in one scene François says ‘’Teachers can say somethings but students cannot.’’ This sentence also shows us the importance given to hiearchy. Furthermore, The differences between students are not taken into consideration. For example in the class there are many cultures so students can give importance to different things but the values for them are not considered and they are treated with the same way. When it comes to the relation with realism, schooling in the film is composed of subject matter disciplines and there is a defined curriculum which includes maths, science, as a second language English and as an official language French. To understand whether students learn or not , there are standardized  tests and assignments that students have to do.

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